Day 6:
Day 6 was an investigation of the fetal brain. In class we covered a few topics about the nervous system such as the neuron (never cell), the way the impulse travels though a neuron, and the components of the synapse.
The nerve cell in the body is called a neuron and it is what delivers the messages from your brain. A single nerve cell contains a nucleus, dendrites, cell body, nodes of ranvier, axon, myelin, and an axon terminal.
The synapse happens when when the axon terminal of one nerve cell transfers neurotransmitters to the dendrites of another nerve cell. The axon terminal would be the pre-synaptic site and then the dendrites would be the post-synaptic site. The myelin of the cell helps the impulse skip along rather then traveling right though the cell because that would take longer.
The brain have three parts cerebrum, autonomic brain stem, and the cerebellum. The cerebrum is the conscious part of the brain that a person is in complete control over, The autonomic brain stem is the part of your brain that controls the reactions that you don't think about, and finally the cerebellum is the part of the brain that controls your balance and allows you to do things like walk and talk at the same time. In our dissection we could only see the cerebrum and the cerebellum because the brain stem was to difficult to get at through the skull.
Also in our dissection we found the spinal cord. The spinal cord plays an important part because for certain reactions that require you to react suddenly will send a nerve impulse to the spinal cord and then the spinal cord will send a reaction message right back to the body tissues without being processed in the brain
The picture about is neat because it shows you the point where the spinal cord and the brain meet. The spinal cord receives that messages from the body and sends it to the brain then the brain decides how to react to them.
Day 6 also happened to be our final part of dissection. Hope you enjoyed my dissection blog!
Works Cited.\&hl=en&usg=__-FzNdO8pin-ixvnq6pxRPnV0o2k=&sa=X&ei=hDwBToyrE5DWiAKmhNWqCA&ved=0CEUQ9QEwBA
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